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Take Control of Your Pet's Health with Dr. Becker

May 29, 2022

When Dr. Erica Dickie first started her veterinary journey, she travelled a lot to find her specialty. Now, she's at home in providing palliative care to animals. Listen to her journey in this interview with Dr. Karen Becker. For more information go to How Grief Can Influence a Veterinarian (

May 25, 2022

Dr. Nicole Sheehan started pretty late as a veterinarian, but has quickly found her specialty. Discover her journey in this interview with Dr. Karen Becker. For more information go to

May 22, 2022

Pam Lookabill has been rescuing and fostering cats, as well as helping improve its reputation in her local community for more than two decades. Here's how she got her start. For more information go to Giving the Sick and Injured a Second Chance at...

May 18, 2022

In this best of episode Dr. Becker interviews Jennifer Harmel. Jennifer is an equine therapist, but she was actually in a different line of work many years ago. Discover how she followed her passion for animals in this interview. For more information...

May 15, 2022

Early on during Dr. Stephenson's veterinary career, he found that his skills were lacking. He decided to open himself up to alternative healing approaches and found better satisfaction in his practice. For more information go to Doctor Inspired by Those Who Healed Their Own...